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American Canyon Wetlands

1ST HIKE: Saturday, 7am, hike lasts about 2 hours

Led by Jeff Miller, Center for Biological Diversity

2ND HIKE: Saturday, 9am, hike lasts about 2 hours

Led by Karina Garcia, Napa Solano Audubon Society

You might see a list of amazing birds including Green Winged Teal and other waterfowl, a variety of shorebirds including American Avocets and Black-necked Stilts, as well as a variety of raptors, possibly the secretive Virginia Rails and Soras. You can check out the American Canyon Wetlands eBird hot spot  to see birds that have been recently seen at this location. 

This hike is easy terrain over paved trails, wear your comfortable shoes!

Meet in parking lot for the Wetlands Edge Park,  2 Eucalyptus Drive in American Canyon 

From Vallejo, take Hwy 29 north towards Napa. Turn left off of Hwy 29 onto Rio Del Mar. There is a stop light at this location.  Immediately after turning onto Rio Del Mar, turn right onto Eucalyptus Drive. Continue west on Eucalyptus until you reach the parking lot.  


From Napa, drive south on Highway 29 till you reach Rio Del Mar.  Turn right onto Rio Del Mar and immediately turn right onto Eucalyptus Drive.  Continue west on Eucalyptus until you reach the parking lot.  From eastern Solano County take Hwy 80 to American Canyon Road.  Go west on American Canyon Road until it ends at Wetlands Edge Road.  Turn right on Wetlands Road and go north until you hit Eucalyptus Road.  Turn left on Eucalyptus Road and you will be at the Wetlands Edge Park parking lot.



Mare Island San Pablo Bay Trail

Saturday, 10am to 3pm

Self guided walk, one mile loop trail with views of San Pablo Bay and Mt Tamalpais.
Look for scope stations staffed by Napa Solano Audubon Society members


There are many birds to be seen including raptors, songbirds, and egrets.

This hike is easy terrain, but may be muddy if there have been recent rains.


Park in parking lot off Dump Road, Mare Island 


Directions: go west on Tennessee Street in Vallejo to where it dead ends into Azuar Drive on Mare Island, turn south (left), turn right on Dump Road and drive to parking lot (landmarks: information sign and porta potty).


South End of Mare Island

Saturday, 8am to sunset, hike lasts about 2 hours

Self guided tour of Mare Island Preserve and Regional Park


You can see a variety of birds including songbirds and osprey. You'll have views of Carquinez Strait, San Pablo Bay, and Mt. Tamalpais. View the live cam to get a preview,


This is considered moderate terrain for experienced hikers.

Start at 167 O'Hara Court, Vallejo


Directions: go west on Tennessee Street in Vallejo to where it dead ends into Azuar Drive on Mare Island, turn south (left), follow the signs to “Mare Island Preserve” and navigate to 167 O’Hara Ct at the end of Azuar Drive.



Vallejo People’s Garden

Saturday, 10am to 12pm, hike lasts about 2 hours

Led by Vilma Aquino & Suzanne Briley

You'll explore the garden's diverse collection of tropical plants, fruits, vegetables, and California natives that attract local wildlife and birds. Discover the medicinal benefits of certain plants, which may offer natural remedies for common ailments. For more information, contact us at


This hike is considered easy terrain


Meet at 1055 Azuar Avenue, Vallejo (garden is behind this address) on Mare Island.  


Directions:  go west on Tennessee Street in Vallejo to where it dead ends into Azuar Drive on Mare Island, turn south (left), left on E. Poplar, look for fenced garden on the right.


Skaggs Island

Saturday, 9:30am to 1:30, hike lasts about 4 hours

Led by Mark Stephenson (President, Napa Solano Audubon Society), Meg Marriott (Wildlife Biologist, San Pablo Bay and Marin Islands National Wildlife Refuges, USFWS), Murray Berner (has led over 70 field trips to the Island), Adrian Johnson (Co-Manager, West County Hawkwatch)


You can see a variety of birds including raptors and most other varieties. 


This is a four mile round-trip hike over uneven terrain. No driving will be allowed.

This hike will be a registration only event, space is limited. Form to register will be available soon.


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